Zircuit Token (ZRC)


Zircuit Token (ZRC) has a Total Supply of 10,000,000,000 tokens.

Season 1 Airdrop:

7% of the total Zircuit Token (ZRC) supply is allocated for Season 1 points, with 262,200 unique addresses eligible for claiming. The Season 1 snapshot was taken on July 7, 2024 at 16:00:00 UTC.


  • 21.00% Airdrop & Community Rewards:

    7.00% Season 1 Airdrop

    14.00% Future Airdrops & Community Rewards

  • 12.61% Community Provisions

  • 17.93% Ecosystem Development

  • 18.70% Foundation

  • 18.74% Team

  • 11.02% Investors

Information will be updated as ZRC gets closer to TGE (transferrability).

Last updated