Privileged Roles

This page lists the EOAs that operate the Zircuit network.



This is a hot wallet that continuously submits transactions onchain. It’s the component that submits new transaction batches and lets the L2 blockchain finalize new blocks.


This is a hot wallet that continuously submits transactions onchain. It’s the component that submits new state roots for the L2 outputs that are essential for users to withdraw their funds on the L1.

Admin roles


This is a testnet role that is authorized to call deleteL2Outputs() to remove a state commitment. This is temporary and for emergency purposes only. On mainnet, this role will not exist, as state roots will not be reset.

System Config Owner

This is the address authorized to change the settings in the SystemConfig contract. These settings are:

  • The blocks signer: L2 blocks propagated among Zircuit nodes via peer-to-peer communication must be signed by this wallet to be considered valid.

  • The batcher hash: identifier for the batcher operator.

  • The gas config: overhead and scalar values used to determine the L1 costs.

  • The gas limit: the maximum amount of gas allowed in every L2 block.

  • The resource config: the configuration for the EIP-1559 based curve for the deposit gas market.

L1 ProxyAdmin Owner

This is the owner of the ProxyAdmin contract deployed on the L1 that controls most of the L1 contracts and can upgrade them if necessary. The ProxyAdmin contract is an auxiliary contract meant to be assigned as the admin of an ERC1967 Proxy, based on the OpenZeppelin implementation.

L2 ProxyAdmin Owner

This is the owner of the ProxyAdmin contract deployed on the L2 that controls most of the L2 contracts and can upgrade them if necessary. The ProxyAdmin contract is an auxiliary contract meant to be assigned as the admin of an ERC1967 Proxy, based on the OpenZeppelin implementation.

Emergency roles


The OptimismPortal is pausable as a backup safety mechanism that allows a specific GUARDIAN address to temporarily halt deposits and withdrawals to mitigate security issues if necessary.


Addresses with the MONITOR role can pause message passing from L1 to L2, which includes ERC20, ERC721 and ETH deposits and withdrawals. Similarly on L2, this role can also pause message passing from L2 to L1.


Addresses with the OPERATOR role have all the capabilities of the MONITOR role, and additionally they can unpause message passing, reenabling bridging. This role can also throttle the amount of ETH that is allowed to be deposited from L1 to L2 and similarly the amount of ETH that can be withdrawn from L2 to L1.

Last updated