Gas Rebates


The Gas Rebates program rewards developers and users based on the gas they spend on the network.

For every ETH spent you earn 125% ZRC tokens. Tokens are sent directly to your wallet.

What kind of transactions qualify for Gas Rebates?

Any transaction executed on Zircuit results in ETH being spent for gas. ZRC tokens are rewarded proportionate to the amount of ETH spent, including L2 base and priority fees.

This includes everything from simple transfers, deployments to interactions with dApps on the Zircuit network.

How to Earn Rebates:

Step 1: Bridge ETH to Zircuit Mainnet

During Mainnet Phase 1, each wallet can bridge up to 50 ETH.

Step 2: Spend Gas

Any transaction executed on Zircuit results in ETH being spent for gas. ZRC tokens are rewarded proportionate to the amount of ETH spent, including base and priority fees. This includes simple transfers between wallets, deployments and interactions with dApps on the Zircuit network.

Step 3: Check Balance

It may take around 30 minutes for your rebates to update on

You've now earned your rebates! Congratulations!

Last updated